Tuesday, June 9, 2009

We've moved to Phoenix!! Well, not completely. This is our home to be! Sort of. We are moving into one of those custom built home areas where you can choose all of your flooring, cabinets, ect. So, what you see in the video is just the standard do-dad. Our house will have some bigger tiles that go into the dining area, a cool suedeish colored carpet, mocha colored cabinets, stainless steel appliances, and of course blinds. Brad starts school in August and Ashley starts work next week at Kindred Hospital. We don't get to move in until July 18th so until then we are slummin' it in a month to month apartment (eating off of a card table and sleeping on a blow up bed, good times.) Sophie is terrorizing our life, she has discovered the beauty of quesadillas, I think we created a monster! Besides that we're just trying to get by, more to come later

See ya,


Trent and Janel Lyman said...

We've totally been thinking of moving to the Phoenix area. Do you like it out there?

Kayla said...

Wow, you guys are alive! Glad for the update. Post pics soon!

Catherine and Derrick said...

Yay I am so excited for you guys. That will be awesome. Don't fry in the hot weather there. I am glad to hear from you.

Jaclyn said...

I totally forgot you guys were moving down here!! Where are you living at?! And what area is your house in? Oh my, we have to get together. I would LOVE to meet Sophie! Fill me in on the details! I'm so excited you're here!

Sarah said...

Congrats that is so exciting you are moving into a cute little home. Sounds like you are doing great!!!

Trent and Janel Lyman said...

I'm way excited for you guys. Totally jealous. Makes us want to move there and reap the benefits. What are they starting you out at as an RN? Since I used your name to get a job at Orchard Park think it will work again?

Natalie said...

Zach showed us your blog. It's fun (and expensive) being a homeowner. Sophie is adorable. What is with those super strong Warner genes?! Heidi and Owen are like mini Chads. Sophie has the blonde hair and blue eyes, but I think her face looks some like you. Are you guys ready for the heat? My sister has been living in Vegas and is glad to be moving back here, away from the ridiculously hot weather. Good luck with everything!

StephenEmily Stacey said...

Yay! I'm glad that you're still alive. It's nice to see a post again. Good luck with the first year of school!

The Nelsons said...

Oh! That is so fun and great! You are getting a house! Well, we think of you guys often! We wish we could be in Arizona! Our goal is to move back there some day! Congrats on the house! And med school and the new job! We love you!