Sunday, June 22, 2008

sophie's big day

This weekend was the annual baby contest for the Provo freedom festival and since I have the cutest kid ever i had to enter her! I thought they were just going to take pictures, but it was like a personality contest. The babies got a few minutes to show off their stuff in front of the judges that scored them in 5 areas like "special skills", "reaction to judges" and "facial structure". Well my little super star diva decided to go into a coma right when we got there! Brad and i spent 30 minutes trying to wake her up doing everything from changing her diaper to rubbing her with a cold wet wipe, but it was to no avail. So not wanting to teach her to be a quitter we went before the judges and she showed her skills of sleeping! She awoke for the briefest of moments to show off her screaming skills, but other than that nada! Oh well, I guess we won't be riding on the float in the 4th of July parade, we'll just have to sit on the sidelines with all the ugly babies! I think this was her way of telling me she doesn't want to be a beauty queen, a fact I fully support!


Catherine and Derrick said...

Ash you look so great. I think Sophie should have won just by pure cuteness. She is sure a beautiful baby and even if she just slept I would still have voted for her

Elizabeth Spencer said...

She is so cute. I hope that you had fun at the contest. Sorry that I could not chat more. It was a really busy day trying to get everything organized. In my opinion she should have won no matter what.

Sarah said...

I love that you have a blog, she is so beautiful. How fun!!! Keep the pictures coming!!!

Chantalle said...

I love the pictures! Welcome to the blogging world :) Sophie is SO cute we need to come see her!

Susan said...

I had no idea you had a blog. Welcome!!

Susan said...

And P.S. she is the most darling baby EVER!!!