Friday, October 24, 2008

Trip to L.A.

We went to L.A. (Pomona) this week for Brad's first medical school interview. I thought Utah drivers were crazy, but I now know California drivers are insane! The speed limit was 55, we were going 70 and cars were still whizzing by us on both sides, I felt like the turtle who likes everything slow on the comcast comercials! Brad's interview went well, although he had Mr. intense interigator as in interviewer. The girl who was interviewd before him walked out with bugged out eyes looking like she just saw someone get shot and almost triping over her own feet- bad sign! We'll hopefully find out soon if he got in. As of right now he has an interview scheduled for Kansas and Pennsylvania so if this one was a bust we're covered! Pomona is the GHETTO! Their polite way of acknowlging the environment was to say "it's not dangerous here but many people choose to live in the surrounding cities and commute daily".

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Looks like you're having tons of fun down there! Have a fun Halloween this weekend, we miss you guys!